Thursday, 24 April 2014

Science Fest 2014

Dear Readers, this is a journey which started at school level 5 years back, and at inter-school level involving local schools, 3 years back. This is the second venture at inter-school level where the horizon broadened and schools from outside Gwalior will also be  invited. We wish and plan to continue this journey in future also. We will come back with more exciting brainstorming sessions, with keynote speakers, more of hands-on activities with a greater variety in competitions. 

Please suggest Theme for The Science Fest 2014  and also some of exciting activities.

Some of the photographs of Science Fest 2013 ......

Junior students displaying their models

Junior students displaying their models

 Scindia School studentsexplaining to Judges 

Science Exhibit by Scindia School

Science Poster Making Competition 

Science Oath Taking By Participants 

Inter school Science Quiz 

Daly college studentsexplaining to Judges